
Gentle Parenting Tips: How to be a Calm Parent

Are you struggling with your patience? Do you want a more gentle parenting style? You’ve come to the right place, because we’ll list a couple of simple yet effective tips on how to be a calm parent in this modern world. It’s so easy to get caught up in our busy, everyday lives that when our child overwhelms us, we often resort to shouting. We all know we don’t want that, so we’re exploring ways on how to calm our mind and body first, fill up our own cup, so we can extend love, grace, patience, and a cup that overflows to our children.

Empathy over punishment

Most of the time, there are underlying reasons why our child reacts or behaves a certain way. Understand that reason and ask yourself possible questions. Are they tired, hungry, overstimulated, or seeking attention? When you find out your answer, respond with empathy and understanding instead of lashing out. Say things like, “I hear you,” “I see you’re feeling frustrated right now,” or “It seems like you’re having a hard time.”

Active listening

Sometimes we tend to forget to actually listen to our children. This is why we can’t understand their feelings and emotions. Take time to truly listen to their feelings and perspectives without interrupting them or judging their thoughts. Then, use reflective techniques like “It sounds like you’re feeling…” or “Can you tell me more about that?” This allows them to express themselves freely without the fear of being judged.

Positive reinforcement

Whenever you catch your child doing something good, praise them sincerely. Utter words of praise and encouragement so they know when they’re doing a good job. Speak more words of love, wisdom, and encouragement unto them so that they are able to reflect that in their everyday lives as well. You can try saying “I really appreciate how you helped set up the table” or “I love how you shared your snacks with your friend.”

Self-care for parents

Yes, you read that right. Do take breaks yourself. You’re a parent 24/7, but it’s not so bad to take time for yourself every once in a while. This allows you to still connect with yourself as an individual and not as a parent. Do things you love, attend to your hobbies, or try out new things by searching for the best online casinos and having your hand at it. Remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup. Prioritize your own well-being as well so your cup overflows, not just on your kid but to other people surrounding you.

Natural and logical consequences

Don’t be afraid of your child making mistakes and reprimanding them. Allow them to experience the natural consequences of their choices whenever possible, but still incorporate empathy when that happens. For example, when they fail to put away their toys, tell them how they might have a hard time finding them later because of all the clutter.

Limit screen time

Excessive screen time can contribute to a child’s behavior. This means increased irritability and difficulty regulating their emotions. So as a parent, set clear limits on screen time and encourage alternative activities. Make them play outside, read books, or engage with other kids in creative pursuits.

Family time

Make sure your child gets to spend quality time with their parent/s. Create positive memories, have family dinners, play games, and go on family trips to make them feel heard, loved, and secure.

Practice patience

Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient with yourself as you are with your child. When they do something wrong, take a deep breath and remember that every child develops at their own pace. Celebrate their small victories as well as yours. Your feelings are all valid.

Wrapping Up

Remember, gentle parenting is not about spoiling your child. It’s about building a strong, loving relationship with them based on understanding and respect. You’re doing a good job, don’t be too hard on yourself, mom/dad!

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